welcome to my new blog it is about social studes and you will see how it is . If you have any question you can e-mail me to wisur666h.m@hotmail.com.




The Muslim’s religion is the Islam based in the book of Coran, in this

book only Ala is his only god, accompanied by Mahoma his messenger.

Now we can see that are 1.000-1.200 muslins in the world.


They come from India and are in groups like towns and his religion is the

Hebrew, the Hebrew is speak in Israel and it is very old it is 30 centuries

in the written history.


The Christian religion is based in Jesus in Nazareth and like central figure

“Dios” his god. Jesus the child of Dios is called like “el mesias” or “cristo”

and the bible says that he died and he resurrect 3 days later.

Victor Garcia Moreno

My trip around the world

¡ Hello !

I am victor and i am going to tell you my trip around the world.
First I went from Spain to France by train, but in the midle of the trip the train brokes up and I had to wait 30 minutes to mended the train and went to France .
When I arrived in France I visit the Torreifel and I eat a croussan the next day I went to Africa by plane, I arrieve there at night and the next day I went to Asia by train when I arrived I went to the Everest it was so high and very cold too , then I went to Australi , Oceania and I impressed because Oceania had more than 10.000 islands in the pacific ocean. Then I went to San Francisco by ship when I arrived I was very tied and I take a train and during the train I saw the colorado's mountains.
I sleep in a big old hotel. The next morning I went to Spain another time .

And this is my trip around the world , I hope you had enjoyed .

Thanks for reading .

Víctor García.

